January 2022 Volunteering

Over the break, I had the privilege of continuing volunteer work I was doing last year at a nursing home in Massachusetts during the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic. I spent about 6 hours on a Sunday helping out around the community and assisting with anything that needed attention. The happiness that radiated from one of my favorite couples was worth every minute and equally as rewarding for me. The residents were excited to share that a soft-serve ice cream machine had been put in place after I left. Great timing! I can't say I wasn't excited to have a cone myself, so I happily followed suit when they offered to show me where it was. I was happy to socialize with the residents, assist with meal deliveries, and provide updated information and guidelines from the CDC on the best ways to remain safe. I also assisted with transportation of residents for convenience needs and coordinating a visit from health care professionals to administer booster shots. Because staffing has been a huge issue in nursing homes during the pandemic, the residents were happy to just have someone to talk to and play games with. I realized how much I have grown since the last time I had volunteered there; The last time I was there was before a family emergency that has since shaped a new way of thinking and outlook on life. I appreciated their time in a completely different way and admired the wisdom they shared as life lessons to carry with me even during the most difficult times in my life. One of the residents that I am especially close with needed assistance putting together a portfolio of all of his greatest accomplishments; from serving during the Korean War to securing funding for children with autism through various programs. It made me look back on my own life and wonder what I have done so far that is meaningful, and found that, if I really did sit back and think about it, I have done more than I thought I did. Sometimes it's easy to be hard on yourself, but it's always good to have reminders that what you are doing matters. My volunteering experience has provided me with so much insight and self-awareness, and I hope to pass on that same wisdom one day to future generations. 


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