February 2022 Community Service
2 hours During the Mardi Gras break, I was inspired by people I met in my community who were concerned with the spread of COVID-19 in assisted living communities after the parade season was over. There was an emphasis on concern that needed to be further acknowledged. Though the residents themselves most likely did not attend parades themselves, they could still be pre-disposed by family members or faculty who had engaged in the festivities. This talk led to the idea of facilitating virtual experiences for residents at an assisted living community. In order to determine the feasibility of this idea here in New Orleans, I contacted someone I had volunteered with previously in Massachusetts. I communicated with administration regarding the potential of expanding the community theater to install a device with FaceTime capabilities that is easy to use for residents. By creating a self-report questionnaire that asked residents to rate an array of hobbies to determine technological skill lev...